This API endpoint retrieves a paginated list of venture funds. It also includes pagination metadata such as the total number of items, total pages, and the current page.


GET /api/venture-funds-data/getAllVentureFundsData

Query Parameters

apiKeystringYesYour unique API key used for authentication.
pageintegerNoThe page number to retrieve (default: 1).
limitintegerNoThe number of items to retrieve per page (default: 10).

Example cURL Request

The following cURL command demonstrates how to fetch venture funds data using the API:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json'

Copy code


Success Response (200 OK)

On a successful request, the API returns the following:

  "data": [
      "id": "string",
      "createdAt": "DateTime",
      "updatedAt": "DateTime",
      "slug": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "website": "string",
      "globalHQ": "string",
      "region": ["string"],
      "countriesOfInvestment": ["string"],
      "stageOfInvestment": ["string"],
      "active": "string",
      "investmentThesis": "string",
      "descriptionByAI": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "industries": ["string"],
      "labels": ["string"],
      "urls": ["string"],
      "hrefs": ["string"],
      "investorType": "string",
      "firstChequeMinimum": "float",
      "firstChequeMaximum": "float",
      "linkedIn": "string",
      "twitter": "string",
      "crunchbase": "string",
      "opinionsSummary": "string",
      "npsScore": "float",
      "contact1": "string",
      "email1": "string",
      "contact2": "string",
      "email2": "string",
      "fundNumber": "string",
      "numberOfExits": "string",
      "vintageYear": "string",
      "netIrr": "string",
      "investmentMultiple": "string",
      "websiteScreenshotPath": "string",
      "leadInvestor": "string",
      "coinvest": "string",
      "portfolioCompanies": ["string"],
      "preferredContactMethod": "string",
      "team": "json",
      "keyPeople": ["string"],
      "lastFundSize": "string",
      "metadata": "json",
      "needToProcessData": "boolean",
      "isUnified": "boolean",
      "failedToProcess": "boolean",
      "processError": "string",
      "allocation": "string",
      "managementFee": "string",
      "carriedInterest": "string",
      "aum": "string",
      "managersExperience": "string",
      "followOnInvestment": "string",
      "graduationRate": "string",
      "writeOffRatio": "string",
      "portfolioValue": "string",
      "investorsLists": ["InvestorListToInvestors"]
  "pagination": {
    "totalItems": "integer",
    "totalPages": "integer",
    "currentPage": "integer",
    "pageSize": "integer"